According to Reuters,President Muhammadu Buhari and some of his aides are controlling Acting PresidentOsinbajo.In a report titled:‘Nigeria stand-in careful not to upset the boat as Buhari steers from London’, the news agency said Buhari has kept a grip on power despite his medical leave.Since May 7, Buhari has been in London receiving treatment for an undisclosed ailment.“Even from far-away London, Buhari and his aides have restrained Osinbajo,” the report read.“Osinbajo and his aides often hold meetings which have enlivened a presidential villa criticized for inertia — but he still seeks approval from Buhari or hischief of staff.”An unnamed presidency official reportedly said Osinbajo is scared to take any action without Buhari’sconsent.“He (Osinbajo) is so scared to offend President Buhari to the extent that he takes no major action without consent from him through phone,” the official who asked not to be named, reportedly said.“He flew to London for a few hours last month to get Buhari’s approval to appoint two ministers who had been already cleared by parliament.“During the meeting, Buhari even asked Osinbajo to give the ministers no portfolio as he wanted to assignthem himself after his return.”The report said Osinbajo is “walking a tightrope” to avoid policies that may annoy Buhari and his inner circle.
The Internet is so vast and uncensored that it is capable of plaguing the young minds if the parents do not play their role in making sure that the bad websites are being filtered and blocked. Unlike previous generations where they probably hide their adult magazines under their bed, all they need is a device such as smartphone, tablet or desktop computer with an Internet connection to access the hundreds of thousands freely available porn sites by clicking the “I Agree” button to comply with the displayed conditions. We have previously introduced 10 parental control software that you can install on your Windows computer to automatically detect bad websites and block them. They are effective but most of them can be easily tampered and bypassed. On this article we will be introducing the DNS method that can be used as an additional filtering system to block out bad websites and it works perfectly with the parental control software. Basically a DNS is used to translate a typ...